Saturday, April 25, 2009

What's in a name?

The First Encounter: Outside the Chemistry Laboratory.

She was standing outside her chemistry lab with her friend, when someone said," Hi, there! You're Astoria, aren't you?"

She turned and found herself looking at a tall boy she'd seen around in school before, clutching a Practical Manual in his hand, smiling at her.

Wondering if he'd been sent by some teacher to call her, she smiled back, "Yeah, I am."

"I've seen you around school many times, but I've never really had a chance talk to you. So, you have your Chemistry practical today?"  he asked, pointing to the book in her hand.

"No, not today. I have mine tomorrow."

"I have them today. Alright, I gotta go, see you around!"


Encounter II: Same place, the next day.

The next day, as she waited in line to get into the Chemistry Laboratory, she heard someone calling her name.  She turned to see the same guy coming towards the Lab with a bunch of his friends.

"All the best!"  He smiled.

She smiled back, "Thanks!"

One of the girls behind her asked, "Who was that?"

As she opened her mouth to answer, she realized she didn't know his name.


Encounter III: At the bus-stop.

It was a week after the exams. They had received their answer sheets, and no one was in a mood to talk about them. Well, almost.

"Hey, how did you do?" Yes, he was back.

"Not bad. How about you?"

"Good, good.”

Ask him, said that voice in my head, ask him his name now! She might've done it, if her bus hadn't arrived just then.


Encounter IV: In the Biology Laboratory.

She was in the Biology Laboratory when he made his appearance this time. He walked in with a bunch of his friends (and people say girls travel in packs!), and all of them made a bee-line for the teacher. He looked around. Catching her eye, he smiled. She smiled back, thinking frantically for a way to find his name.

"Who's that?"  her partner asked.

"Erm…my friend."

"Obviously! What's his name?"

Great. Why did she have to ask that? "I…don't know."

She arched her eyebrows, "Seriously?"

Oh, woman, that's what I said!

Her partner sniggered, "That's interesting..."


Encounter V: After the University Exam.

As she climbed down the stairs, she heard someone behind her.

"Hey! That paper was damn easy, wasn't it?"

Even before she turned, she knew who it was.

"Did you just call a Board paper damn easy?"

"Wasn't it?"

She turned to look at him.

He laughed, "You should see the look on your face!"

She rolled her eyes and waved as she walked away.


By now, she had realized she could never ask him his name, not after so many days. What would you think if one of your friends suddenly comes up to you and asks you your name? 
Someday, she thought, she would tell him that the first time you meet a person; you have to introduce yourself to them. He ought to know that!
She also had a small doubt as to whether he knew that she didn't know his name, and was waiting to see what she would do about it. Oh, how could she possibly forget to ask him his name the first time?

The Last Encounter

It was the last day of the school. The students were gathered in the auditorium, and as she sat down, she realized that her seat was next to his.

You'll never get a chance again, and you know it! Ask him.

"You got a minute?" he whispered.


"’s my number. Send me a message whenever you feel like giving me yours."

She was taken completely by surprise. She turned to look at him, and he seemed to be completely interested in his fingernails. "Yeah, sure."

He handed her a slip of paper; she glanced at it. It had no hint of a name, only a ten digit number.

He took his backpack and prepared to leave, "So, keep in touch."

She smiled at him, "I will.”

That night, she took the little slip of paper and grabbed her mobile. Wait a minute. How am I going to save his number in my phone without a name? And there she was, armed with a cell phone and an almost impossible task at hand.


1 comment:

  1. You kept me in hanging, man. Obviously, I loved it, but I didn't want the ending to be just as yet. I hoped for a continuation. :-P
