Friday, February 9, 2007

Raging waters

The storm had passed, and the sea was blue and calm. No one would believe that this was the very sea that had been roaring all night long.

She looked at her elder brother, who, without saying a word, grabbed his surfing board and marched out. Though they were siblings, they were as different as chalk and cheese. Janet was a sweet, cheerful girl, who was always willing to lend a hand to anyone in need of it. Jack, on the contrary, usually lived in a world of his own, seldom smiled, and did not take the slightest notice of things going around him.

"Bye mom!"she called, and stepped out. The sea looked inviting, peaceful even. She reached the shore and began walking, with the waves reaching upto her knees.

As she went further in, she saw her brother surfing on the waves. Personally, she believed that her brother didn't consider her any different from any other girl in the neighborhood. She had cried many a time, when she had felt that way, but she accepted him as he was — he was her brother, after all.

She was woken from her thoughts by screams all around. She turned around, and saw a huge green wave (the aftermath of the storm, reporters said later) rushing toward the shore, straight at her. She stood rooted to the spot. She knew that even if she ran, she wouldn't make it.

As the wave washed over her, filling her nostrils with salty water, she felt something tight wrap around her. After a few minutes of struggled breathing, she opened her eyes to see what had saved her from its fury.

She registered the face of her brother, looking shaken, lips moving…was he saying something? "Say something! Are you alright?" Her chest hurt from trying to breathe in salt water, she tried saying something, a strangled cough escaped her lips.

"Never, ever do that to me again." And he hugged her.

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